ADAPT | Glossary


ADAPT is an acronym for 5 activities Awareness, Desire, Ability, Promotion and Transfer.

Lori an application development manager for a large manufacturing company realized that development process has become so formalized which will become hindrance to their ability to remain flexible for the business. Lory encapsulated 5 common activities necessary for successful and lasting Scrum adoption.

Awareness about current process is not delivering acceptable results, Desire to adopt Scrum as a way to address current problems, Ability to succeed with Scrum, Promotion of Scrum through sharing experiences so that we remember and others can see success & Transfer of the implications of using Scrum throughout the company.

Further Reading:
Book: SUCCEEDING WITH AGILE Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn

Long-Term Orientation | Glossary


Geert Hofstede a Dutch social psychologist developed concepts of short team and long term orientation. Long-term orientation is one of the five cultural dimensions which are individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance index and power distance.  

Longterm orientation is when you are focused on the future. You are willing to delay shortterm material or social success or even shortterm emotional gratification in order to prepare for the future. If you have this cultural perspective, you value persistence, perseverance, saving and being able to adapt.

Further Reading:
Book: SUCCEEDING WITH AGILE Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn