Agile Phobias | Glossary


Agile Phobia is a strong fear or dislike of agile practices, usually due to the uncertainty of change.

To list out few of the agile phobia encountered are a person afraid if he has nothing to do, he is afraid if he will be fired if the decisions made don’t workout, people afraid getting exposed as doing very little work, it is easier and safer if someone tell exactly what to do, it is easier and safer when told exactly what to do.

Agile phobia is much more personal and emotional.

Further Reading:
BOOK: SUCCEEDING WITH AGILE Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn

Enterprise Transition Community | Glossary


Enterprise Transition Community (ETC) is a small group in an organisation that supports the initiatives, efforts to introduce and improve Scrum. It exists to create a culture and environment where change can be released by members who are passionate about the success of the organisation. The acronym ETC is consistently used by Ken Schwaber in “The Enterprise in Scrum”.

It does this by not imposing changes but by guiding groups who are implementing changes, by removing obstacles, by creating energy and excitement for the change. The members of ETC are not more than a dozen but comes from the highest level involved in the transition to Scrum. If the company is adopting Scrum organisation-wide, the ETC should include senior people from Engineering, Development, VPs where the key is that ETC is made up of most senior people for the level at which transition is happening.

Further Reading:
Book: SUCCEEDING WITH AGILE Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn