Software Craftsmanship: The New Imperative | Book Series

Overview: The book software craftsmanship introduces, a programmer-centric way to build software, and it explains why software engineering isn’t enough to transform the developer’s relationship with users and customers. Software Craftsmanship presents an alternative model for the people involved in commercial software development. This book illustrates that it is imperative to turn from the technology-for-its-own-sake model to one that is grounded in delivering value to customers. The author, Pete McBreen, presents a method that helps you to nurture the mastery in programming, development and creative collaboration in small developer teams, and to enhance communications with the customer. The end result is: you and your team will be transformed into the skilled developers who can create, extend, and enhance robust applications.


Pete McBreen

Published In:


Software by Numbers: Low-Risk, High-Return Development | Book Series


Software by Numbers: Low-Risk, High-Return Development is written by the author Mark Denne, who is the Partner with the consultancy firm Accenture – specializing in IT Transformation.

In this book you will learn, how to:

  • Identify Minimum Marketable Features (MMFs)—the fundamental units of value in Software Development
  • Accelerate Value Delivery by linking Iterative Development to Iterative Funding
  • Optimize returns through Incremental Architecture Techniques
  • Effectively involve Business Stakeholders in the Development process


Mark Denne

Published In: