Registered Agile Leader@Scale Workshop | 17-18 May 2024

INNOVATION ROOTS announces Registered Agile Leader@Scale workshop with Jeff Stuit (Fonder, Improvement School), to be held Online on 17-18 May 2024.

Registered Agile Leader@Scale course is built around real-world case studies and taught by those who have successfully transformed organizations around the globe. Participants will learn how to effectively and efficiently scale Scrum in their organization by optimizing people, processes, and products through the lens of leadership.

As a Registered Agile Leader@Scale, participants will be prepared to:

  • Understand how Scrum Framework scales across an organization to achieve improved results at an enterprise level
  • State the Scrum Values and explain how they foster a Values-Driven Culture
  • Be able to evaluate the necessity to divide a single large development team into smaller teams
  • Learn to identify the goals, inputs and outputs of Metrics & Transparency in Scrum@Scale
  • Be able to compare and contrast an Agile Leader and a Leader of an Agile Organization
  • Understand how to achieve and maintain an agile transformation and more

Register here.

Leading with Outcomes: Train-the-Trainer / Facilitator (TTT/F) Workshop | 10-13 June 2024

INNOVATION ROOTS announces Leading with Outcomes: Train-the-Trainer/Facilitator workshop with Mike Burrows (Founder, Agendashift), to be held Online on 10-13 June 2024.

This training is primarily the entry point into the Leading with Outcomes Authorised Trainer and Facilitator programmes, but also a powerful introduction to the concepts and practice of leadership and strategy in the transforming organisation.

Authorised Facilitator: The Authorised Leading with Outcomes Facilitator programme gives you everything you need to bring the tools of Leading with Outcomes into your workplace or practice, including:

  • The Agendashift assessment tools
  • Workshop materials, with integrated workshop designs and our full range of workshop tools 

Authorised Trainer: All the benefits of the Facilitator programme and more! As an Academy-authorised Leading with Outcomes Trainer, you can deliver certified public or private training in the Leading with Outcomes curriculum:

  • Leading with Outcomes: Foundation
  • Inside-out Strategy: Fit for maximum impact
  • Outside-in Strategy: Positioned for success
  • Adaptive Organisation: Business agility at every scale

Register here