The Service Culture Handbook | Book Series


The Service Culture Handbook is a step-by-step guide to help you develop a customer-focused culture in your company, department, or location. Whether you’re just beginning your journey, or have been working on culture for years, this handbook will prepare you to take the next step. You’ll receive actionable advice, straightforward exercises, and proven tools you can utilise immediately.

Learn the one thing that forms the foundation of every great culture. Discover what customer-focused companies do differently to engage their employees. And explore ways to strategically align every facet of your organisation with outstanding service.

Creating and sustaining a customer-focused culture is a never-ending journey that takes hard work, dedication, and commitment. The Service Culture Handbook is an indispensable resource to help you and your employees stay headed in the right direction.


Jeff Toister

Published In:

23 March 2017

Actionable Metrics | Glossary


An actionable metric is one that ties specific and repeatable actions to observed results.

If you are an eCommerce site, you have a baseline of revenue, and you introduce a new website design for a portion of your website with improved images and more information about those products, and revenues for those products are up 20% compared to the same period last year, then revenue is an actionable metric. There is an obvious action: apply that new website design to the rest of your site.

Further Reading

Book: The Lean Startup by Eric Ries