XML | Glossary

, XML an abbreviation for Extensible Markup Language, defines a set of rules, for encoding documents in a format, that is both human-readable, and machine-readable by using tags that can be created, and defined by users.

Created in the early 1990’s.

Further Reading

  • “Learning XML”, by Erik T. Ray.
  • “XML Bible”, by Elliotte Rusty Harold.

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Work in Progress | Glossary

WIP (work in progress) limit is used to prevent bottlenecks and coagulation in software development. Work in progress limits are agreed upon by the development team, before the beginning of a project ,and are enforced by the Project Manager.

Further Reading

  • “Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business”, by David J. Anderson.
  • “Kanban from the Inside”, by Mike Burrows.

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