Okaloa Flowlab Workshop with Patrick Steyaert on 23 September 2018

INNOVATION ROOTS announces a Okaloa Flowlab workshop with Patrick Steyaert on 23  September, 2018. Patrick Steyaert is a founder and principal coach and trainer at Okaloa. He helps organisations to innovate and change. He works with customers ranging from high-tech SMEs to large incumbent companies. He is an expert in Lean and Agile with practical experience in both software, IT, and technology businesses as well as non-IT (logistics management, HR, …)

This one-day workshop help participants to explore the foundations of flow, collaboration and learning, and how they relate to each other. Okaloa Flowlab instils new ways of thinking not just doing. From the bottom up, this new mindset inspires action, not just talk. Specifically, Okaloa Flowlab allows participants to experience a new way of thinking that is sticky or even contagious as it spreads across a network of Agile Practitioners and ultimately building bridges between all levels and functions across the entire organisation.

Participants will learn to use integrative thinking to resolve the perceived conflict between agility and predictability, flow- and resource-efficiency, commitment and engagement. Also, participants will discover the foundation for team, business and organisational agility.

Click Here for more details and registration.

Data Flow Diagram | Glossary


Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data through a system creating an overview without going in to detail which can be elaborated. DFD diagrams helps in collecting and understanding requirements as well as designing systems.

DFD is visualization technique which enables communication and collaboration of key information. Shows what kind of information will be input and output from the system, how data flow through the system and where data will be stored. DFD helps users to visualize how the system will operate, what the system will accomplish and how the system will be implemented.

This modeling helps in developing any system, visualizing major steps and data involved in system processes in a top-down approach to system design also known as Bubble Chart.

Further Reading:
