Agile Coaching | Book Series


The author gives a clear idea of how to coach a team and help you to understand how to build a team that produces software in an Agile way. The practical advice shared which helps the readers to connect with their real-time situation and think a solution. Discover how to coach, learn the secrets of facilitating ceremonies with a right intent. It provides great insight into Agile practices introducing Test-Driven Development, running Retrospective, making progress visible and inspiring teams to continuously improve.


Rachel Davies

Liz Sedley

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Software in 30 Days | Book Series


This book can enhance mind-blowing concepts “art of the possible”. Agile and Scrum software development method help to create a life-changing software where you want to sharpen your business within a month or less than that. Projects that use it are three times more successful and it will increase the productivity versus traditional “waterfall” methods. Reading this book can help readers how to get kickstart, how to succeed.


Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland

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