Scrum For Newbies: The Amazingly Simple, Plain English Guide To Getting Started With Scrum (Scrum, agile project management, lean, scrum master, scrum agile, exam, software development Book 1) | Book Series

By reading this book you will get to know How to approach Scrum in 20 minutes or less and Quick ways to understand Scrum basics. You will get to learn practical notes on how to implement Scrum and three main pitfalls to watch out for. This book is very helpful for experienced professionals to have before taking the course and become great at refreshing your skills after training.

This Book Covers:-

  1. The steps and key concepts of Scrum
  2. What is a Scrum Master — and how are they different from a Project Manager?
  3. How to rescue a project with Scrum
  4. A brief recap of Agile and Scrum principles
  5. Why the Daily Scrum is so powerful for Co-coordinating, Synchronizing, and creating a daily plan for your team.
  6. Best tips and options for improving your Daily Scrum and taking it to the next level


Jeremy Wilson


Published On:

Agile Product Management: Release Planning: 21 Steps to plan your product releases from a product vision with Scrum(scrum, scrum master, agile development, agile software development) | Book Series


Mr. Paul VII gives best steps and advanced strategies on how to build a Release Plan using 21 easy to follow Agile techniques. The author explains very effective tips and tricks on how to master and improve Release Planning in your team from the scratch. This book is very helpful and extremely valuable, regardless of your level of knowledge on Scrum and Release Planning.  By reading this book, you will start building a strong foundation about Scrum and Release Planning and the advanced steps that you can follow to build a successful Release Plan.


This Book Covers:

  • A brief overview on Agile and Scrum principles
  • What is a Release Plan, and how it helps the team to set reliable expectations
  • How and when to conduct the Release Planning meeting and why it is important.



Paul VII


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