The Lean Startup | Book Series


This book describes Lean startup approach which has being globally adopted to build new products. Reading through the content of this book is the fastest way to learn how to do customer development and get to a product-market fit. The Lean Startup methodology introduces tools like customer development, minimal viable product, and innovation accounting. This book is the go-to source for learning about these tools to bring science to the art of product development. The author highlights the significance of testing organization vision continuously.


Eric Ries

Published In:


Large Scale Scrum: More with LeSS | Book Series


The author guides how to be agile at scale with LeSS. This book describes how to coordinate and integrate between teams, defines what your product is, why? This book clearly answers the question “How can we have the same simple structure that Scrum offers for the organization, and be agile at scale rather than do agile?” and a practical exercise how to define your product.


Craig Larman

Bas Vodde

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