Lean and Agile Manufacturing: Theoretical, Practical and Research Futurities | Book Series


The companies adopt a paradigm called ‘Lean Manufacturing’, which often eliminates wastes  to offer customer-focused products and services, become valued on market. On the other side, futuristic companies surge towards reaching the twenty-first century mission by reacting quickly in accordance with the dynamic demands of the modern customers, for which researchers have been developing a paradigm called ‘agile manufacturing’. Although various techniques and tools are applied, cohesive procedures are yet to be evolved to implement these paradigms systematically and successfully in companies. In this context, this book is evolved to address students, academics, practitioners and researchers for gaining theoretical, practical and research futuristic knowledge on lean and agile manufacturing paradigms.

The book comprehensively analyses the methods of implementation of lean manufacturing paradigm in both traditional and moderate organisations. The book is authored by S.R Devadasan, PhD, with 26 years of experience research and presenting paper for national and international recognized publishers, journals and conferences.


Devadasan S.R

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