Outcome Measure | Glossary


An outcome measure is an evaluation of the results of an activity, plan, process, or program and their comparison with the intended or projected results.Outcome measures quantify the true performance, and assess the success of the processes put in place. They are thus,a better way to gauge the business success.

Further Reading:

  • “Rehabilitation Outcome Measures” (Book) by Emma K. Stokes.


The Product Development Flow | Book Series


This book gives us an in-depth detailed illustration of product development process and explains why invisible and unmanaged questions are the underlying root cause of poor product development performance. The author supplies an examination of product development practices. He shows why these questions form and how they undermine the speed, quality, and efficiency in product development. The tools in this book will go further and try to improve the product development and leads to change how the problem will get solved. Reading this book is sure to enhance the knowledge of both practical and theoretical understanding tools in the real-time scenario.


Donald Reinertsen

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