User Roles | Glossary


‘User Roles’ determines the question: Who to write the User story for? It follows the belief that Agile is a ‘story’, and that ‘stories’ cannot be written from a single perspective and require multiple experiences. A User Role is then, a collection of defining attributes that describe a population of user and their interactions with the system.

The primary concern when writing user stories, is as mentioned, the identity of the user. Writing better User Roles, lead to better User Stories, then eventually better software.

Further Reading

  • “Succeeding with Agile : Software Development using Scrum 1st Edition” (book), by Mike Cohn.


Use Case | Glossary

A Use case refers to a list of actions or steps defining the interactions between a role, defined as an actor in UML and a system to achieve a goal. The actor can be a human or other external system.

Further Reading 

  • “Writing Effective Use Cases”, by Alistair Cockburn.

Know more about Use cases and their importance by signing up for our workshops by visiting our website.