Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change | Book Series


Embrace Change is the 2nd edition of Extreme Programming Explained book Series, authored by Kent Beck. This book presents the 5 years worth of experiences, growth and change revolving around XP. It’s a must read book for anyone who is interested to know how you and your team can understand the path of new improvement with XP. The previous edition of the same book teaches what XP is really about- and it changed the way people think about Software Development. The 2nd edition speaks more about why XP, and the principles and motivations behind XP.


Kent Beck

Published In:



Strategize: Product Strategy and Product Roadmap Practices for the Digital Age | Book Series

Overview: This book acts a tremendous guide for anyone who wishes to create an exciting and successful Game plan for marketing their digital products. In this book, the author Roman Pichler discusses a wide range of proven techniques and tools which are already used in market, and how to create new strategies and roadmaps that helps your maximize your chances of building successful products. This comprehensive yet insightful book enables you to make right strategic decisions in present dynamic digital age.  


Roman Pichler

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