Book Series

Working Effectively with Legacy code | Book Series


The book delivers the key points on how to deal with the changing legacy codes and write tests that can be used to make sure, the change is not affecting the overall behavior of the application. Readers are recommended to have knowledge of UML notations, and the book provides some techniques and real-time case scenarios with examples in Java, C++, and C#.

Topics covered, include:

  • Mechanics of software change, from fixing bugs to improving design and optimizing performance
  • Handling legacy systems that don’t follow Object-Oriented Design principles


Michael C. Feathers

Published In:


Book Series

Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software | Book Series


This is an extraordinary book on how to design your software that matches with the mental mapping of the domain problems you are addressing. This book is not about how to draw design patterns, it is mainly about how to think of a design, and how you organize the design that reflects your understanding of a software you intend to create.  Domain-Driven development is a valuable investment for those who forgot to implement Object Oriented programming.


Eric Evans

Published In: