Adaptive Software Method | Glossary


Adaptive Software Methods (ASD) for Software Development was a proposed technique, used for building complex software programs and systems. It is focused to rapidly create and evolve software systems. There is an absence of pre-planned steps in the process. The emphasis is overall on self-organizing teams, as well as individuals and team.

The method has a dynamic life cycle, instead of a static one. The collaboration among testers, developers and customers is characterized by constant re-evaluation and change.

There are three phases of the ASD life cycle. They are namely:

  • Speculation
  • Collaboration
  • Learning

Further Reading

  •  “Adaptive Software Development: A Collaborative Approach to Managing Complex Systems” (book), by James A. Highsmith.

Design Pattern | Glossary


Design Patterns are an essential support of Agile Development. The enable the emergent design to emerge in Agile projects. Previously thought of as ‘Design Up-Front’ technique, they are often used in Agile projects to determine variations that are discovered over time. It is important for development organizations to be critical of the systems they create, and make them invulnerable to business priorities, technologies, market pressures and changing requirements.

A Design Pattern offers systematic naming, motivation and explanation of general design problems in systems that are object-oriented. It offers a description of the problem, the solution and when to apply it. It also gives hints of implementation and requisite examples.

Further Reading

  •  “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)” (book), by Erich Gamma