Timebox | Glossary


A ‘Timebox’ is a fixed and previously agreed upon period of time, during which a person/team assigned to specific task, works towards the completion of a goal. Once a time limit is reached, work is stopped and what was accomplished is evaluated. They can be used at varying time scales that can range from one day, to several months.

The critical rule of timeboxed work, involves evaluation after the end of the timebox: ‘Was the goal met? If not, was it partially met?’ etc.

Further Reading

  • “Timeboxing: A complete guide”(book), by Gerard Blockdyk.
  • For more on Timebox, read here and  here.

Evolutionary Development | Glossary



It’s a software development method that is based on incremental product releases, frequent delivery,dynamic planning and a methodology that is simple to implement. It enables product development is geared towards fitting users’ needs better, as well as reducing costs and risks.

Further Reading

  • “Building Evolutionary architecture”(book), by Neal Ford.
  • For more on Evolutionary Development, read here.