Co-Location | Glossary


Development Teams that are located and work in the same location are referred to as co-located. This is desired due to its ability to facilitate face-to-face collaboration, an important feature of Agile software development. It lies in start contrast to the distributed development team.

Co-location of the teams is beneficial and many see it as a necessary way to working in Agile. A team works together to solve its collective goals. Close collaboration acts as an effective conduit to solve problems efficiently.

Further Reading

  • “Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition” (book), by Lyssa Adkins.

Backlog Grooming | Glossary



Backlog grooming occurs when the Product Owner and the rest of the team review and prioritize items on the Backlog. This is a regular activity and can be in the form of an officially scheduled meeting, or ongoing activity. The list of activities that occur during the refinement of this backlog include:

  • Removing non-relevant user stories
  • Building new user stories
  • Prioritizing the user stories
  • Estimating user stories
  • Correcting said estimates with newly discovered information
  • Dividing high-priority user stories that are too coarse to fit in an iteration

Further Reading

  • For more on Backlog grooming , read here and  here.