Pig | Glossary



Derived from the popular business fable of ‘The chicken and the pig’. The ‘pigs’ are responsible/ committed to a project and have to inform to the ‘chickens’. Hence Pigs play a more important, crucial role. For a Scrum project the Development Team, Product Owners & Scrum Masters are considered as ‘pigs’.


Further Reading

  • For more on ‘Pigs’, read here,

Lean-Agile Software Development | Book Series


The author discusses the core five most important practices that you can adopt as you begin your Lean software development journey. This book shows how to extend Scrum processes with an Enterprise based on Lean principles, and how to apply it to make iterative development more effective. The author discusses each practice in a very detailed manner to make the reader want to know.


Alan Shalloway

Guy Beaver

James R. Trott

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