Product Traceability | Glossary


Product Traceability system helps isolate and prevent contaminated products reaching consumers in the event of a product recall. Traceability is the capability to trace something, an ability to verify the history, location or application of an item by means of documented recorded identification. In other words, capability of keeping track of a given set or type of information to a given degree or the ability to chronologically interrelate uniquely identifiable entities in a way that is verifiable. Traceability is applicable to measurement, supply chain, software development, healthcare and security.

A company aware of their product being defective but is unable to trace the product is exposed to significant product liability risk like financial loss, consumer injuries, property damage etc. In these situations they don’t have option but to recall the batch of product regardless of them being defective or not. Product traceability provides the ability to identify and track a product or a component to its point of origin.

Product traceability is very important to reliability, a means to identifying the units.

Further Reading:

Enablers | Glossary


Enablers in agile development are technical items which support the development of business, which plays vital role in assisting business features. Enablers support efficient development and delivery of future business requirements bringing visibility to all the work necessary. They help to stabilise the architecture, infrastructure and maintaining customer needs.

Enablers as mentioned in SAFe framework, fall into four categories

  1. Exploration Enablers, supporting research, prototyping and other activities needed to develop an understanding of customer needs, exploring prospective solutions and to evaluate alternatives
  2. Architectural Enablers are created to build the architectural runway, which allows smoother and faster development
  3. Infrastructure Enablers are created to build, enhance and automate the development, testing and deployment environments. This facilitates faster development, higher quality testing and faster delivery.
  4. Compliance Enablers facilitates manning specific compliance activities, including Verification and Validation and regulatory submissions, approvals.

Enablers exists at all levels of framework

  • Enabler Epics cutting across Value Streams and Program Increments.
  • Enabler Capabilities and Features captures work at Large Solution and Program Levels.
  • Enabler Stories fit in Iteration , where acceptance criteria clarify the requirements and support testing.


Enablers are often created by architects or system engineers at various levels improving the existing solutions.

Further Reading: