Set-Based Design | Glossary


Set-Based Design (SBD) is a practice that keeps requirements and design options flexible for as long as possible during the development process. Instead of choosing a single point solution upfront, SBD identifies and simultaneously explores multiple options, eliminating poorer choices over time.

Set-based design is not a new concept, Toyota called it set-based concurrent engineering, a term which explains how the set-based design process differs from traditional point-based design. In set-based design, teams engineer multiple options concurrently, eliminating options as they get more insight.

Teams tend to naturally practice point-based design, where it forces teams to commit to one design solution before thoroughly testing assumptions about the solution. Once they realise there is a problem, huge adjustment needs to be done to rectify which can add delay and cost.

With set-based design, team can continue weighing all possibilities until they gather enough data which helps them to narrow down options. Set-based design has built-in learning points – where the data learnt helps in taking decision and eliminate options. This enables a process where team actively select options with desired specifications filtering the design alternatives based on validated learning. If there is a high degree of innovation, variability or deadlines a set based design goes handy to achieve design efficiency, increasing flexibility in interface and design, modelling, simulating and prototyping. The only way to resolve the uncertainty is to test the design early and request integration regularly i.e at integration points. SBD provides an adaptive approach with a wider systems perspective, better economic choices and more adaptability to existing constraints.

Further Reading:

Book: Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development by Don Reinertsen

Lean Budget | Glossary


SAFe Principle #1 – Take an economic view highlights the key role of economics in successful solution development. SAFe recommends a dramatically different approach to budgeting, reducing the overhead and costs associated with traditional cost accounting while empowering decentralise decision making.

Lean enterprise moves to ’Lean Budgeting, beyond project cost accounting’ which provides effective financial control over all investments with far less overhead and friction. Lean Budget is a set of practices empowering value streams rather than projects while maintaining financial and fitness-for-use governance.

In Traditional way, cost-center budgeting creates multiple problems where the project budget process is slow and complicated, where it requires many individual cost centre budgets to fund. This leads to fine-grained decisions early in the ‘cone of uncertainty’. Project based constraints are induced which impede adaptability and positive economic outcomes. Traditional cost accounting undermines the goal of faster delivery and better economic outcomes.

Lean Agile enterprise moves from project based, cost-center accounting to a more streamlined, leaner budget process where funding is allocated to long lived value streams. Each value stream budget can be adjusted over time a PI boundaries, based on relative value that each value stream provides to the portfolio.

Further Reading:

Book: Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development
by Don Reinertsen