Kanban Practitioner | Glossary


Kanban offers an ‘Alternate Path to Agility’. The Kanban Method uses Kanban boards to visualize workflow, and eventually manage it faster and be more predictable. It introduces evolutionary changes to enhance and improve the Service Delivery Workflow.

A Kanban Practitioner possesses the ability to design and implement a Kanban board, visualize invisible work, workflow, assess business risk, manage work faster, assess predictability and introduce change  eventually. He/ She is aware of the training roadmap to higher certifications like Kanban Management Professional and Kanban Coaching Professional.

Further Reading

  • “Kanban from the Inside” (book), by Mike Burrows.


Road Map | Glossary



A ‘Roadmap’ is a plan of action for how a product/solution will evolve over a period of time. Product owners use them to outline functionality and plan for when new features will be added.In agile development, it provides context for the team’s daily work and is flexible to shifts in the work environment, due to competition. A single product roadmap may be shared by Multiple agile teams.

Further Reading

  • “Lean Roadmap” (book), by Howard M. Thomes.
  • For more on Product Roadmaps, read here,