Secure Socket Shell | Glossary


SSH, also known as Secure Socket Shell, may be a network protocol that gives administrators with a secure way to access a remote computer. SSH also refers to the suite of utilities that implement the protocol. Secure Shell provides strong authentication and secure encrypted information communications between 2 computers connecting over an insecure network like the internet. SSH is wide utilized by network administrators for managing systems and applications remotely, permitting them to log in to a different computer over a network, execute commands and move files from one computer to a different.

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Further Reading:

Book: Testing Practitioner Hanbook by Renu Rajani.


ChatOps | Glossary


ChatOps is a collaboration model that connects people, tools, process, and automation into a transparent work flow. This flow connects the work required, the work happening, and also the work wiped out a persistent location staffed by the folks, bots, and connected tools. The transparency tightens the feedback loop, improves information sharing, and enhances team collaboration. to not mention team culture and cross-training.

Further Reading:

Book: Testing Practitioner Handbook by Renu Rajani