Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations | Book Series

Overview:  This book presents an updated and expanded vision of agile competition, which promises to affect life in the 21st century as profoundly as mass production–based competition affected life in the 20th century. By focusing on practice rather than on theory, the book describes in detail how this new form of competition is rapidly differentiating winners from losers, not just in the U.S. but around the world Aimed at the general business reader as well as at those charged with strategic planning and policy development for companies, government agencies, and industry associations, Agile Competitors and Virtual Organizations covers: 

  • The strategic objectives of Agile competition and how to use them to advantage.
  • How new organizational structures and a focus on core competencies can enrich customers and producers.
  • Strategic principles for using the virtual organization concept to enhance the profitability of a company’s operations.
  • The new relationships among marketing, design, and product development that are preconditions for marketplace success.
  • How people and information have become the differentiators of successful companies and the traits required to maximize the impact of people and information on a company’s bottom line.


Steven L. Goldman, Roger N. Nagel, Kenneth Preiss

Published In:


Actual Time Estimation | Glossary


‘Actual Time Estimation’ is a method based on time estimation regarding development. The goal is to approximately calculate the time required for the completion of a specefic developmental task. The number of days required for tasks are generally calculated by making use of ideal engineering hours.

Further Reading

  •  “Managing Projects at Work”(book), by Gordon Webster