Product Traceability | Glossary


Product Traceability system helps isolate and prevent contaminated products reaching consumers in the event of a product recall. Traceability is the capability to trace something, an ability to verify the history, location or application of an item by means of documented recorded identification. In other words, capability of keeping track of a given set or type of information to a given degree or the ability to chronologically interrelate uniquely identifiable entities in a way that is verifiable. Traceability is applicable to measurement, supply chain, software development, healthcare and security.

A company aware of their product being defective but is unable to trace the product is exposed to significant product liability risk like financial loss, consumer injuries, property damage etc. In these situations they don’t have option but to recall the batch of product regardless of them being defective or not. Product traceability provides the ability to identify and track a product or a component to its point of origin.

Product traceability is very important to reliability, a means to identifying the units.

Further Reading:

Qualification Testing | Glossary


Qualification Testing involves a formally defined series of tests that determine the functional, environmental and reliability of a component, or system. It is carried out to satisfy the engineer, contractor, or owner on the nature of its satisfactory design and construction, prior to final approval and acceptance.

The Production Qualification Testing is conducted at the unit, subsystem and system level and is completed before the decisions made for the production. The test results play a critical factor in determining the readiness for production of the system. Down Line Production Qualification Tests (PQTs) are performed to verify process control later on.

Further Reading

  • “Advanced Software Testing Volume 1: Volume 1: Guide to the Istqb Advanced Certification as an Advanced Test Analyst” (book), by Rex Black.