Blue/Green Deployment | Glossary


The blue/green is a strategy for change in management to releasing software code. Blue/green deployments, which may also be stated as A/B deployments require two identical hardware environments that are configured exactly the same way. While one environment is active and serving end users, the other environment remains idle.

Further Reading:

Book: The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble,Patrick Debois.


Book Series

The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations | Book Series


The book illustrates the best DevOps practices that will help you increase profitability, lift up the work culture, and reach productivity goals. The book also talks about the effective management of technology that plays a primary role in business competitiveness. It walks the readers through the ups and downs faced by a team manager to balance agility, reliability, and security. A must-read book to elevate your company to reach a pinnacle point of success in the marketplace.


Gene Kim, Jez Humble, Patrick Debois

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