Agile: EF | Glossary


Agile Evaluation Framework or Agile: EF was introduced by Krebs and Krell in 2008, an approach to assess how well agile teams are doing. Here they advice to keep things simple and is therefor less of an actual framework than a process for assessing teams.

In this approach Krebs and Krell suggest having team members complete a very short questionnaire at the end of every sprint. Each question concerns an agile practice which is answered with a score in range of 1 – 10, where 10 indicates done 100% of the time and 1 indicating never done. The assessment may be reported in a graph where solid bars indicate the team’s result.  The darker, thinner line indicates how widely opinion vary, calculating standard deviation.

Further Reading:
Book: SUCCEEDING WITH AGILE Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn

ADKAR | Glossary


ADKAR is an acronym that forms five building blocks that bring about successful change. These letters stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement. ADKAR model was developed by Jeff Hiatt in 2003.

Employees usually resist Organizational Change, where ADKAR model is a change management tool to help identify why change is difficult, why some changes succeed or failed. This model is mainly intended to be a coaching and change management tool to help and assist employees through the change process within organizations.


Further Reading:
Book:SUCCEEDING WITH AGILE Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn
Book: How to Change the World by Jurgen Appelo