Kano Model | Glossary


The Kano model is a theory for product development and customer satisfaction developed in the 1980s by Professor Noriaki Kano, which classifies customer preferences into five categories.

Further Reading:

Book: kanban Maturity Model by Teodora Bozheva, David J. Anderson


Kano Model Analysis


The Kano Model of product development and customer satisfaction was published in 1984 by Dr Noriaki Kano, professor of quality management at the Tokyo University of Science. The model encourages owners to think about how their products relate to customers’ needs, while moving away from a “more is always better” approach to product development to a “less is more” approach.

Further Reading:

  • ReVelle, Jack B.; John W Moran; Charles A Cox (1998).


  • Kano Model Analysis was developed by Dr Noriaki Kano in 1984.