Emergence | Glossary



Emergence is a design philosophy in Agile software , where in development an organization begins to deliver functionality and allows design to emerge. Developers will take a piece of functionality A, implement it with best possible practices, and continue to build functionality B. Once that’s built, they’ll scan both A and B or things in common by refactoring, and allow design to emerge from within.

Further Reading

  • For more on Emergence, read here and  here.
Book Series

Individuals and Interactions: An Agile Guide | Book Series


This is the best handbook for Agile teams. Unlike other books that are glossed over in favor of technical aspects, this book offers a different perspective. The book illustrates the path from a successful Developer/Tester to a Manager, then to a Team Leader and beyond, through easy steps described by the author in a simple manner. The examples and exercises given in the book help the readers understand the behavior of an individual, and how to apply the knowledge for improving their performance. It’s a must-read book for any team serious about Agile Development, and enthusiastic to transform themselves into the successful agile stories.


Ken Howard

Barry Rogers

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