CRC Cards | Glossary


CRC Cards was originally proposed by Ward Cunningham and Kent Beck as a teaching tool, brainstorming tool used in the design of object-oriented software. CRC card is Class-Responsibility-Collaboration card, popular among expert designers and recommended by extreme programming supporters.

CRC cards are index cards, which are used by team members to write relevant class/object of their design which are partioned in threes areas. Class Name on top of the card, with Responsibilities of the class in the left and on right list of other collaborators (classes) with which class interacts to fulfil its responsibilities.

Advantage of CRC cards are, it keeps the complexity of the design at a minimum on a small card where designers focuses on essentials of the class, preventing them to getting them into details and implementation. These cards are portable and can be easily laid out on a table and re-arranged  while discussing a design. You create a CRC card by writing out a scenario which identifies the actors and actions which the actors do. Nouns should turn into the classes of the card, verbs typically turn into the responsibilities of the card, and collaborators are the other cards  with which the card will be interacting.

Further Reading:

Book: The CRC card book by David Bellin

INNOVATION ROOTS Announces a new Workshop on Accredited Kanban Trainer (AKT)

We are pleased to announce Accredited Kanban Trainer (AKT) workshop with Janice Linden Reed, the Chief Program Officer at Lean Kanban, Inc. This is the 4th consecutive year INNOVATION ROOTS is organizing this workshop as part of the Lean Kanban 2018 conference, a flagship event of Lean Kanban University. This workshop is going to be held on September 16-20, 2018 at Bengaluru, India.

This is a five-days workshop especially designed for Kanban enthusiasts and helps the participants to take the AKT certification exam and become a certified Kanban trainer in the future. At the workshop, participants will learn the best practices in Kanban, and the characteristics that is essential for any Kanban Trainer.

This is an interactive and collaborative training where participants will be indulged in several learning exercises, games and simulations to learn Kanban practices, principles, build mindset and confidence required to take the Kanban classes. In this five-day course, the participants will also have to present a case study on Kanban, which will be evaluated by co-participants and other Kanban Trainers.


Register for the workshop at