Built-In Quality | Glossary


Built-in quality is one of the SAFe Core Values, it is a core principle of the Lean-Agile Mindset.

Edwards Deming states “Inspection does not improve the quality, nor guarantee quality. Inspection is too late. The quality, good or bad, is already in the product. Quality cannot be inspected into a product or service; it must be built into it.”

Lean manufacturing companies have quality build in their process, preventing unnecessary rework and waste generation. In essence, this practice is the pillar of controlling variables within a process, securing quality not passing on poor quality and checking every piece. Software, hardware also ensures that each solution, at every increment, meets appropriate quality standards throughout the development. One of the Agile Principles says on quality “Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility” which ensures that the solutions built are high in quality, can rapidly adapt to change and are architected for testing, deployment and recovery.

Product qualities such as expandability, flexibility, integrity, interoperability, maintainability, portability, reusability, resilience and usability in general cannot be inspected or tested. They must be “designed in” brought in early phases of development during requirement capture, analysis, architecting and design. This induce “Built-in Quality” during design process weighed against user’s needs in a iterative feedback loop.

Further Reading:

Book: Quality is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain by Philip B. Crosby

INNOVATION ROOTS Announces new Kanban Coaching Professional Training in Bengaluru

We are very delighted to announce a new training class on Kanban Coaching Professional, as part of the Lean Kanban India 2018 conference, which will be held on 24-28 September 2018 at Bengaluru. This coaching will be thought by David J. Anderson (Chairman of Lean Kanban University and originator of Kanban Method) and his co-presenter, Teodora Bozheva.

This time the Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) is conducted as the combination of KMM and KLMM classes. The course curriculum of this class is the combined version of both Kanban Maturity Model and Kanban Leadership Coaching Masterclasses.  This coaching is especially meant for those who are very keen to assess their organization’s maturity levels, and definitely, it helps to handle the processes and fulfills the desired outcomes.

The first three days of the workshop discusses the topics like customer’s satisfaction, assessment of business agility, and the practices to improve agility. The participants will learn about maturity levels in KMM, KMM architecture, and a brief comparison of KMM model with other models like Lean/TPS, CMMI, Real World Risk models. You will also learn the definition of What is a fit-for-purpose organization, Study the value of different cultures and how to evolve the organization’s culture with KMM model.

The next two days will teach the leadership skills, cultural tools, and understand “First who, then why ”, V’ger concept, How to recognize identity and its multi-facets. Additionally, you will learn about some topics like Sociology and how to assess a team’s skills based on their social skills, What is Neuropsychology of change and how it is perceived.

Audience : Managers, Executives, Project Managers, Senior VP’s and CEO’s.

To be part of this 5-day interactive learning session, register at www.innovationroots.com