Agile Phobias | Glossary


Agile Phobia is a strong fear or dislike of agile practices, usually due to the uncertainty of change.

To list out few of the agile phobia encountered are a person afraid if he has nothing to do, he is afraid if he will be fired if the decisions made don’t workout, people afraid getting exposed as doing very little work, it is easier and safer if someone tell exactly what to do, it is easier and safer when told exactly what to do.

Agile phobia is much more personal and emotional.

Further Reading:
BOOK: SUCCEEDING WITH AGILE Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn

Waterfallacies | Glossary


Waterfallacy is a mistaken belief or idea about agile or Scrum created from working too long on waterfall projects.

Many of the specific arguments heard against Scrum are predictable and common across many organisations. Some examples of waterfallacies heard are scrum requires everyone to be a generalist, scrum team don’t plan, our team is spread around the world, self-organization clashes with some cultures, so we can’t be agile, scrum requires face to face communication, scrum ignores architecture, scrum is ok for simple websites but our system is too complicated.

Further Reading:

Book: SUCCEEDING WITH AGILE Software Development Using Scrum by Mike Cohn