Turning Goals into Results | Book Series


Most executives have a big, hairy, audacious goal. But they install layers of stultifying bureaucracy that prevent them from realizing it. In this article, Jim Collins introduces the catalytic mechanism, a simple yet powerful managerial tool that helps turn lofty aspirations into reality. The crucial link between objectives and results, this tool is a galvanizing, nonbureaucratic way to turn one into the other. But the same catalytic mechanism that works in one organization won’t necessarily work in another. So, to help readers get started, Collins offers some general principles that support the process of building one effectively.

Since 1922, Harvard Business Review has been a leading source of breakthrough ideas in management practice. The Harvard Business Review Classics series now offers you the opportunity to make these seminal pieces a part of your permanent management library. Each highly readable volume contains a ground-breaking idea that continues to shape best practices and inspire countless managers around the world.


Jim Collins

Published In:

May 17, 2017.


Doom Loop | Glossary


The “Doom Loop” is a phrase usually used to refer to the present boom-bust-bailout structure of the financial sector that leads to economic crises. Simon Johnson has been a significant proponent of shedding light on this cycle, that he believes begins with risky investments and dangerous financial practices that lead to increased growth and profit, but soon bust — bringing the financial sector to its knees after its inevitable collapse. After the bust comes the bailout, which, although may be necessary at the time, is more harmful in the long run because it doesn’t address the fundamental structural flaws of our financial system. This vicious cycle only continues to grow, and with no salient regulation will continue in perpetuity, bringing with it crisis after crisis.

Further Reading:

Book: Good to Great by Jim Collins.