“Results of Applying Lean Principles at Team Level” – Webinar

Alper Tonga (Lean Facilitator at ACM – AgendaShift Partner)

Alper is an experimenter (Lean/Agile), LKU certified Accredited Kanban Trainer, and public speaker from Turkey. He is a strong follower of predictive planning and visual documentation methods. Uses historical data to forecast possible project outcomes and boost team awareness. He believes forming self-improving teams and aiding decision-making process with mathematics is much better than just following instincts.

Lean Kanban India Webinar Series:

Webinar #2: “Results of Applying Lean Principles at Team Level” 

This is a story of a team (1 analyst, 3 developers, 1 QA) who were able to get their lives and control of the work back with the help of proto-kanban. This case study presents results obtained from their proto-kanban experiment that was started on April 2015 and project metrics from 2013.

The main purpose of this experiment was to shed light on the path of solving various system wide problems (such as; overburdened employees, overflowing queues, ever increasing lead times, not being able to visualize capacity) and how addressing these problems ultimately led to an increased productivity with strong metric evidence.

Webinar details:

Date: 10th August 2017

Time: 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/Limited-WIP-Society-India/events/241539054/

Location: Webinar Link (YTD)