Big Hairy Audacious Goal | Glossary


Big hairy audacious goal, or BHAG, refers to a clear and compelling target for a company to strive for. The term was coined within the book “Built to Last: successful Habits of Visionary Companies” by Jim Collins and jerry Porras. A BHAG – pronounced “bee hag” – is a long-term goal that everybody in a company will understand and rally behind. BHAGs are meant to excite and energize folks in a method that quarterly targets and lengthy missions statements usually fail to.

Further Reading:

Book: Good to Great by Jim Collins.


Charismatic Leadership | Glossary


The Charismatic leaders are also called as transformational leaders because they share multiple similarities. Charismatic leaders basically encouraging particular behaviors in others by way of eloquent communication,persuasion and force of personality. Charismatic leaders motivate followers to get things done or improve the way certain things are done.

Further Reading:

Book: Good to Great by Jim Collins.