Lean Canvas | Glossary


Lean Canvas is an adaptation of Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder that Ash Maurya created within the Lean Startup spirit (Fast, concise and Effective startup).

Lean Canvas guarantees an actionable and entrepreneur-focused business plan. It focuses on issues, solutions, key metrics and competitive benefits. The structure is similar to the well-known Business Model Canvas, however some sections are exchanged.

Further Reading:

Book: Running Lean by Ash Maurya.


DevOps | Glossary


DevOps is a set of practices that automates the processes between software development and IT teams, so as that they will build, test, and release software quicker and a lot of reliably. The idea of DevOps is based on building a culture of collaboration between teams that traditionally functioned in relative siloes. The promised advantages include exaggerated trust, quicker software releases, ability to solve essential problems quickly, and better manage unplanned work.

Further Reading:

Book: The DevOps Handbook by Gene Kim, Jez Humble,Patrick Debois.