Customer-driven Orientation | Glossary


In a highly competitive business environment, focusing on the needs of your customers can give you an edge over your competition. As such, your marketing strategy should be geared toward reaching those who would benefit the most from your product or service. A customer-driven marketing strategy includes elements like identifying your target market and reacting to their needs.

Further Reading:

Book: Marketing as strategy by Nirmalya Kumar


Buzz Marketing | Glossary


Buzz marketing is a viral marketing technique that is focused on maximizing the word-of-mouth potential of a particular campaign or product, whether that is through conversations among consumers’ family and friends or larger scale discussions on social media platforms. By getting consumers talking about their products and services, companies that employ buzz marketing hope to grow their awareness through the growth of online traffic and increase sales and profits.

Further Reading:

Book: Marketing as startegy by Nirmalya Kumar.