Behaviour Driven Development | Glossary


At its core, behavior-driven development is a software development methodology that combines practices from test-driven development (TDD) and domain-driven design (DDD). By combining parts of both TDD and DDD, behavior-driven development aims to simplify development through the use of a common domain-specific language(DSL), which is used to adapt natural language sentences and phrases into executable tests.

Further Reading:

  • “BDD in Action” (book), by John Ferguson Smart

Acceptance Testing | Glossary


This is a testing technique performed to determine whether the software system has met the required specifications. The main purpose of this test, is to evaluate the system’s compliance with the business requirements, and verify if it is has met the required criteria for delivery to end users.

Further Reading:

  • “User Acceptance Testing: A Step-by-step Guide” , by Brian Hambling and Pauline van Goethem.