Split Test | Glossary


Split testing (also referred to as A/B testing or multivariate testing) is a method of conducting controlled, randomized experiments with the goal of improving a website metric, such as clicks, form completions, or purchases. Incoming traffic to the website is distributed between the original (control) and the different variations without any of the visitors knowing that they are part of an experiment. The tester waits for a statistically significant difference in behavior to emerge. The results from each variation are compared to determine which version showed the greatest improvement.

Further Reading:

Book: The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

Agile Project Management | Glossary


In this book, you will learn a management system that breaks down complex projects into smaller pieces, letting you finish everything with quality. You will find details of the core aspects of agile project management explained, with chapters that cover:

• The 33 year history of this system – and how it has helped businesses succeed

• The 4 MAIN tenets that make it a success

• Transitioning from traditional to agile project management

• Tools and methodologies

• The 5 vital BENEFITS you gain

• Foolproof methods for dividing responsibility

• How to apply quality control without micromanaging

• Estimation techniques

• And more…

By becoming more agile in your approach to project management the obstacles and difficulties encountered become more manageable and the success of the project is assured. And Agile Project Management will guide you every step of the way towards your ultimate goal!


James Turner

Published In:

25 February 2015