Daily Meeting | Glossary


Daily Meeting is a collective congregation of team members that brings everyone up to speed on information that is vital for overall coordination. Each of the team members describe ‘completed’ work and discuss upcoming challenges. The meeting includes ‘Scrum’s Three Questions’ and is done in front of a task board. The meeting is also usually timeboxed.

Further Reading

  • For more on Daily Meeting, read here and  here.

Waste | Glossary



In software development, any work that has begun but is not yet completed, is categorized as waste. Work-In-Progress (WIP) is defined as waste as well, since it is unused whilst in development and there is no derivation of value, and hence no positive cash flow. Another reason waste can be created, is when tasks are switched when developers are working on multiple projects, and developers take time to familiarize themselves with the task.

Further Reading

  • For more on Waste, read here and  here.