Book Series

Agile Software Development : Principles, Patterns, and Practices | Book Series


The book is written from a software developer’s viewpoint, and delivers a unique collection of software development methods, including UML, OOD, Agile, and XP with a detailed explanation of software designs for C++ and Java.  The book covers topics on how to identify and overcome the pitfalls in the application of C++ and OOD, Static and Dynamic —Principles of Design, Complexity Management, and many more. It’s a must-read book for all the software engineers, programmers, and Analysts who want to learn how to design object-oriented software with Agile methods.


Robert C. Martin

Published In:


Book Series

Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases Through Build, Test and Development Automation | Book Series


This book sets groundbreaking principles and technical practices that enable to deliver high-quality software functionalities to users within the expected time frame. In this book, you will learn how to improve collaboration between the teams and release the changes in the specified time, through automation of the build, deploy and test process. It’s a must-read book for managers, developers, and administration who want to deploy changes rapidly, so as to deliver value to their business.

Key takeaways from this book:

  • Introduction to deployment Pipeline, and automated process for managing all changes in development lifecycle
  • Innovative ideas on Automated Infrastructure Management, Data Migration, and Virtualization
  • Analyze the key issues and identify the best practices to resolve them


Jez Humble

David Farley

Published In: