book series

Agile Modeling: Effective Practices for Extreme Programming and the Unified Process | Book Series

Overview: The author of this book is Scott W. Ambler, the Senior Consulting Partner of Scott Ambler & Associates, who works with organizations around the globe to improve their Software Development Processes. This book guides users through the Agile Modeling and design process, and covers all the Modeling Techniques especially for Extreme Programming (XP) that have created a buzz in the software industry, and Agile Modeling Techniques for UML and Rational Unified Process.


Scott W. Ambler

Published In:


Book Series

Impact Mapping: Making a Big Impact with Software Products and Projects | Book Series

Overview: The author of this book Gojko Adzic conveys to the users that how wrong assumptions, ineffective time management, lack of vision on future objectives and poor communication skills can affect the overall business. This book is a practical guide to impact mapping, an easy and effective method for cooperative strategic planning that helps enterprises make a significant impact on software. This book is recommended for Senior Product developers, product owners, and sponsors to deal with portfolio management, business analysis, quality improvement, and delivery.


Gojko Adzic

Published In: