Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition| Book Series

Overview: This book delivers valuable insights on how an Agile team can become proficient in Project Development, deliver high-quality Products that makes organizations proud. This book encourages the readers to understand the benefits of working in a team and come up with more innovation. It helps the Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches to carry a new mindset and overcome the challenges in training their team members when migrating to an Agile environment.

Topics covered in this Book:

  • Roles of Agile Coaches, Mentors, Conflict Navigators and Project Managers
  • How to create high-performance teams and self-organized environments
  • Acquire the new leadership skills as the team grows and changes
  • Learning from failures and success


Lyssa Adkins

Published In:


book series

Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works | Book Series

Overview: This book demonstrates effective ways to apply techniques and testing for developing Customer Satisfaction, Lean Startup and Bootstrapping. This book covers the real-world examples and experience of several startup companies that used these techniques. These techniques are also covered in the book authored by Eric Ries on Lean Startup Methodology. Readers will learn how to identify and engage customers throughout the Product Development Lifecycle and focus on building the Product that makes customers buy and use. It’s a must-read book for all Entrepreneurs who just started with developing a new Product or the Managers who aspire to be future Entrepreneurs.


Ash Maurya

Published In: