Book Series ( Book of the Day)

Design to Grow: How Coca-Cola Learned to Combine Scale and Agility | Book Series


The book ‘Design to Grow’ insights into how the world famous company, Coca-Cola adopted the two essential qualities: Scale and Agility to become successful. It also explores the key factors required to create Scale and Agility in order to stay ahead in the competitive world. This book mainly takes you through the ups and downs faced by Coca-Cola Company, portrayed by a Senior Executive; and how it learns to incorporate the ‘Design’ to become more Agile and big. You will learn how to use the same approach to grow your business. This is the must-read book for Managers and budding Entrepreneurs, who are looking to make a big difference in their organization.


David Butler

Linda Tischler

Published In:


Book of the Day

The Great ScrumMaster: #ScrumMasterWay | Book Series


The book is recommended for Scrum Masters who want to improve their team and organizational performance. The author illuminates each concept in detail supported by examples that are practically proven and shows how to move an idea into successful implementation.

You will learn:

  • How to build effective teams using Agile and take advantage of Scrum Master toolbox
  • Understand the key roles of Scrum Master at all levels
  • Introduction to Scrum Master: State of mind model and crucial skills essential to any Scrum Master
  • Root Cause Analysis, Scrum Master tools and What is ShuHaRi in Agile adoption?


Zuzana Sochova

Published In: