Book Series

Agile Software Development with Distributed Teams | Book Series


The author of the book projects on the diverse issues and challenges faced by a distributed teams in the project development phase, from cultural differences to lingual, political, geographical and more. The primary goal of this book is to bring harmony among the project teams distributed in different geographical locations by applying the foremost modern agility principles. This book gives you a clear overview of how to carefully sort out the conflicts in a project through collective collaboration, integrating efforts and processes to deliver a better product.

The author Eckstein shares the experiences of a real Practitioner in short stories and covers a wide range of topics, which include:

  • Introducing Agility to global projects
  • Individual contribution towards development of better product
  • Customized project plan for success
  • How to plan virtual retrospectives?
  • Team velocity, iterations, releases and much more


Jutta Eckstein

Published In:


Book Series

Lessons in Agile Management – On the road to Kanban | Book Series


This book gives a connection between the evolution of Kanban, and its inception from agile, which was originally developed by David J. Anderson, the author, and originator of Kanban System. Lessons in Agile Management – On the road to Kanban’ is a compilation of short stories that shares author’s personal experiences and his journey in developing Kanban system, and Agile methodologies.

Topics covered in this book, include:

  • Managing change and risk in organizations
  • Role of a manager in Agile development
  • Estimation and metrics, Flow and Variability
  • Time boxes and delivery cadences


David J. Anderson

Published In: