book series

The Distributed Scrum Primer | Book Series


‘The Distributed Scrum Primer’ book gives an introduction to the principles and practices of distributed agile development using Scrum methodologies. The book is authored by Pete Deemer, founder of GoodAgile and co-author of The Scrum Primer. It’s a must-read book for any Agile Practitioners, Team Managers, and Project Managers.


Pete Deemer

Published In:


book series

The Fifth Discipline | Book Series


‘The Fifth Discipline’ is a best-selling classic business book based on authors’ fifteen years experience in putting the ideas of old version book series into practice. The author Senge describes how companies can get rid of learning disabilities that are menacing their productivity by adopting new patterns and strategies of learning organizations. The book takes you through the success, the author has achieved when he published his first book in 1990, as well as new topics such as:

  • Leader’s New Work
  • Systems Citizen
  • Frontiers for the Future
  • Bridge teamwork into macro activity
  • Genuine learning driven by people focused on what truly matters


Peter M Senge

Published In: