Large Scale Scrum: More with LeSS | Book Series


The author guides how to be agile at scale with LeSS. This book describes how to coordinate and integrate between teams, defines what your product is, why? This book clearly answers the question “How can we have the same simple structure that Scrum offers for the organization, and be agile at scale rather than do agile?” and a practical exercise how to define your product.


Craig Larman

Bas Vodde

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The Design of Everyday Things | Book Series


This book is a best-seller by cognitive scientist and usability engineer, Donald Norman. The author explains how design can communicate medium between object and user. He emphasizes on making the world a better place to live through a better design combining with psychology research, anecdotes and significant industry examples. The content of this books takes us on a journey of varied topics like how to create positive user experience, to what extent problems are attributed to human errors, how to design better. It is a must read to get a deep dive into design creativity.


Don Norman

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