The Jazz Process: Collaboration, Innovation, and Agility | Book Series


The book presents a unique method for process execution and fourteen best principles. The author systematically introduces the Jazz Process also demonstrates how it can help cross-functional teams improve teamwork, innovation, and execution. The Book ideates new ways to encourage and integrate strong individual contributions from passionate and committed practitioners. The Jazz Process provides a very engaging discussion of innovation and innovation processes.


Adrian Cho

Published In:


Toyota Kata | Book Series


This book gives best answers to the questions:

  • How can we make improvement and adaptation part of everyday work throughout the organization?
  • How can we develop and utilize the capability of everyone in the organization to repeatedly work towards achieving new levels of performance?
  • How can we give an organization the power to handle dynamic, unpredictable situations and keep satisfying customers?

The author had presented a thorough research into Toyota’s employee management routines for the first time, which is called as ‘Kata’. The book is basically about the Toyota company’s success with continuous improvement and adaptation.


Mike Rother

Published In: