A company designs a product which may be a digital marketing banner or a social media banner, to grab attention and hit more prospects. But here is a catch, what if the design is just made for the sake of doing, and has nothing interesting. The result is inefficient and efforts are totally a waste of time. This book gives all the practical examples of real science and research, which guides to every design delivery needs. By reading this book you will be able to deliver more intuitive yet engaging designs for print, website designs, application, and products that exactly gives an illusion of how people think, pursue, work and play.
After reading this book, you will develop the ability to increase effectiveness, improve conversion rates, and usability of the design.
The book also answers to all the questions such as:
- On a page or screen, what holds more attention?
- What makes memories stick?
- What is more important, peripheral or central vision?
- How to identify common mistakes that people make?
- Limits of someone’s social circle
Susan Weinschenk
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