Defect | Glossary


A ‘Defect’ is an error, flaw, failure or discrepancy in a computer program, that is usually caused by people in either a program’s source code, design, frameworks or operating system. It is an important priority to be managed in an Agile Environment.

Defect Management is not always a very concrete or defined process.In Scrum for example, there is no direct guideline in how to manage Defects. The standard answer is to treat Defects as Product Backlog items which are to be picked up by the Development Team in the next Sprint, when the priority is set high enough.

Further Reading

  • “Object-oriented defect management of software”(book), by Houman Younessi


Extreme Programming Applied: Playing to Win | Book Series


This book goes beyond explaining XP’s elements: it shows how the pieces fit together, demonstrating exactly how to make XP work for real projects in real organizations. This book is a must-read for all the Software Engineers, Project Managers, Developers, and others who are interested in finding more effective and flexible approaches for their software projects.

Extreme Programming Applied is a pragmatic guide that helps in getting started with Extreme Programming (XP) concepts. This book helps Programmers and Project managers to take their first initiative in applying the XP discipline. The book doesn’t sound like a tutorial. But anyhow, it uses the real-time experiences to educate the reader about how to apply XP practices in their organization. The author illustrates key points with valuable stories from the successful pioneers in XP.


Ken Auer,‎ Roy Miller

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